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Gain Your Time Back!

PresenterDana Goodier

Friday 1:45 - 2:45 p.m.

Conference Room III

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This session will focus on eliminating interruptions in the World Language (WL) classroom due to students' sometimes negative attitudes about taking an elective they didn't necessarily choose. Many students don't start learning WL until high school. How can students' attitudes about an elective they didn't choose be changed? How can teachers lose less time in dealing with classroom management and student engagement issues, whether you teach in-person and online? Leave this session gaining your time back!


Applicable Language:  All Languages

Presentation Language:  English

Target Audience:  All Levels, All Teachers

Focus Area(s):  Activities, Instructional Strategies, and/or Classroom Management

Social Media/ @danagoodier (Twitter) @outoftrenchespc (Twitter & IG)



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