Founded in 1947, the Colorado Congress for Language Teachers, Inc., is organized for the purpose of the advancement of the study and teaching of world languages in the schools, colleges and universities of the state of Colorado.
As of 1942, the Colorado Education Association was holding general meetings for Colorado teachers. Following these meetings, smaller gatherings were held for special interest groups by subject matter fields. Foreign language teachers met then. In 1947, foreign language teachers created the organization now known as Colorado Congress for Language Teachers, or CCFLT. It was an organization within the academic community.
It was only in 1971 that CCFLT was officially incorporated under the leadership of Bryce Jackson, then president. He and others in the organization worked to incorporate CCFLT as the membership and detailed budgetary records had substantially increased.
CCFLT incorporated for the purpose of providing foreign language teachers a forum for mutual support, a means for sharpening their pedagogical skills, and a vehicle for keeping culturally and linguistically current.
The CCFLT History Project
We are in the process of preserving our history by collecting artifacts (previous programs, PEALS, newsletters, photos and other documentation) and stories (written and in video form). If you can share any artifacts, stories, or videos of how the CCFLT has impacted you, please send them to David Burrous at historian@ccflt.org. We can coordinate picking up, scanning, and returning your artifacts. If you choose to let us keep them, we will house them together for posterity and hope to share them with our membership. In addition, if you can send written stories about CCFLT history and/or the impact on you and your students, we are seeking to publish these stories in upcoming CCFLT newsletters and a possible future book about the history of the CCFLT.