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Game Day en français!

PresenterSarah Dodson-Knight

Friday 1:45 - 2:45 p.m.

Conference Room IV

You might play games like Loto and Loup-Garous with your students—but sometimes you’d rather play something in French with other grown-ups, n’est-ce pas? Join me for a tabletop games session where we’ll chat in French while trying out short fun ones such as Il était une fois, Jeu de sept familles, Mille bornes, Roue de la fortune, and more. Maybe you’ll discover a game for your early finishers or French club—or maybe one just for you! French teachers, speakers, and learners are all welcome, and everyone will receive a list with the names and descriptions of the games.


Applicable Language:  French

Presentation Language:  French

Target Audience:  Elementary/Elementary FLES

Focus Area(s):  Activities, Instructional Strategies, and/or Classroom Management




Sarah solo dune - Sarah Dodson-Knight.jpg
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