Say What!? Non-Verbal Communication and Role-play in the World Language Classroom
Presenter: Joseph Barbour
Saturday 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Aurora III
How important is non-verbal communication in the foreign language classroom and how can teachers ensure their students are best prepared for intercultural communication? This session will focus on the integration of non-verbal systems with the linguistic content typically studied in the World Language classroom. The goal is that students achieve effective communicative competence, avoiding possible misunderstandings. While many examples will be provided from the American Spanish-speaking community, teachers of other languages will be able to apply strategies to their classrooms. Role-play will be used in this session to demonstrate a fun and engaging way of incorporating non-verbal signs in real world situations.
Applicable Language: All Languages
Presentation Language: English
Target Audience: All Levels, All Teachers
Focus Area(s): Activities, Instructional Strategies, and/or Classroom Management