Finding Your PD Niche: How to Narrow and Focus Your PD Growth Plan
Presenter: Dana Goodier
Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Conference Room IV
Participants in this session will walk away with a personalized PD/growth plan. During the session, participants will learn strategies to filter through the wide array of PD offerings at their fingertips, how to be proactive in starting book clubs and other staff opportunities based on PD they have participated in, and know which books and podcasts they should be reading and listening to and sharing with colleagues...and MUCH MORE.
Applicable Language: All Languages
Presentation Language: English
Target Audience: All Levels, All Teachers
Focus Area(s): Leadership, Networking, Advocacy, and/or Policy
Social Media/Website: www.danagoodier.com @danagoodier (Twitter) @outoftrenchespc (Twitter & IG)